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FLGR_NhbBox2D Struct Reference
[Neighborhood extraction]

#include <flgrCoreNhbManage.h>

Detailed Description

Neighborhood Box 2D


Definition at line 69 of file flgrCoreNhbManage.h.

Data Fields

int center_coord_x
int center_coord_y
int ** list_coord_x
int ** list_coord_y
void ** list_data_val
void ** list_nhb_val
int nhb_size_x
int nhb_size_y
int * size
int spp
FLGR_Type type

Field Documentation

Column Coordinate in the image of the pixel considered as the center of the neighborhood

Definition at line 77 of file flgrCoreNhbManage.h.

Row Coordinate in the image of the pixel considered as the center of the neighborhood

Definition at line 75 of file flgrCoreNhbManage.h.

value of the center of the extracted image box

Definition at line 79 of file flgrCoreNhbManage.h.

value of the center of nhb

Definition at line 81 of file flgrCoreNhbManage.h.

X coordinates list of pixel extracted

Definition at line 89 of file flgrCoreNhbManage.h.

Y coordinates list of pixel extracted

Definition at line 87 of file flgrCoreNhbManage.h.

list of pixels values extracted in the image


Definition at line 91 of file flgrCoreNhbManage.h.

list of Neighborhood values corresponding to extracted pixels in the image

Definition at line 93 of file flgrCoreNhbManage.h.

X size of the nhb used to extract values

Definition at line 85 of file flgrCoreNhbManage.h.

Y size of the nhb used to extract values

Definition at line 83 of file flgrCoreNhbManage.h.

size of the pixel list


Definition at line 95 of file flgrCoreNhbManage.h.

Sample per Pixel


Definition at line 73 of file flgrCoreNhbManage.h.

type of the data in the extracted neighborhood

Definition at line 71 of file flgrCoreNhbManage.h.

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